Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Day seven of the photo a day challenge from Maternal Lens....

March 7

Bananas and kiwis.  LOVE!


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Something You Love & Chores

It was bound to happen... I forgot to take and post a picture yesterday.
I'm sure it will happen again too!
Days five and six of the photo a day challenge from Maternal Lens....

March 5
Something You Love

I love my new Bible.  Opened to Mark 12:30 "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength."

March 6

Dishes... what else can I say.  My sink always looks like this.  They are never-ending!


Sunday, March 4, 2012


Day four of the photo a day challenge from Maternal Lens....

March 4

This picture was taken yesterday, but the snow was too pretty with the trees and snowman to not share this. 


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Black & White

Day three of the photo a day challenge from Maternal Lens....

March 3
Black & White

My necklaces :)

Are you doing the challenge too?  


Friday, March 2, 2012


Day two of the photo a day challenge from Maternal Lens....

March 2

Lord, as I enter the water to bathe, 
I remember my baptism. 
Wash me by your grace. 
Fill me with your Spirit. 
Renew my soul. 
I pray that I might live as your child today, 
and honor you in all that I do.


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Something that makes you SMILE

So, this popped up my friend Gina's facebook wall today and I thought I would do it!  Why not take a picture every day for a month and share them with all of you?

Here's the challenge from Maternal Lens.  Join me in this challenge if you'd like or you can just see my pictures when I post them.


March 1
something that makes me SMILE

These are the flowers my wonderful husband brought home for me on Tuesday.  No reason... just because.  I'm lucky to have him in my life, it makes me smile.
